Saturday, 23 November 2013
So as i mentioned in my last post, i have a new found love... Facepainting!?
I took my little sister to get her facepainted, after a number of failed attempts to bribe her away with sweets and hello kitty balloons, we paid and stood in line for 40 minutes for her to finally end up with a pink blob somewhat resembling a butterfly... She loved it though, and so i decided to get some facepaints of my own so that we could do our own at home.
I took my little sister to get her facepainted, after a number of failed attempts to bribe her away with sweets and hello kitty balloons, we paid and stood in line for 40 minutes for her to finally end up with a pink blob somewhat resembling a butterfly... She loved it though, and so i decided to get some facepaints of my own so that we could do our own at home.
And i got hooked! The girls love it, I started doing designs on my own face when i got bored in an evening & i even pained my sisters baby bump haha! Ive since bought lots of colours and glitters and LOVE experimenting with them. So i thought i would share a few :)
Toodles :) x
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Monday, 10 June 2013
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Naughty Superdrug
So firstly, ill just say sorry for the iPhone pics, but my camera has kaput :( and im in the process of getting it fixed so the iPhone will just have to do for now.
On with the goodies then, Superdrug have a massive Mix and Match 3 for 2 on all cosmetics... ALL of them!
That meant i had to go and have a good look and i went with the intention of getting eye liner and possibly a couple of new lipsticks... however i left with more Nail Polish!!
I found these three pretties at the Barry M stand and i NEEDED them, also i spent that long in there i didnt even look for a new eyeliner! So will have to venture back there and bypass Barry M...!!!
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
GaGa for GreenBerry
So now its getting a teeny bit warmer, im loving my brighter nail polish.
Especially Barry M Gelly in Greenberry!
I love the Gelly Polishes, they are super shiney and glossy. I find i can have them on nearly a week with hardly any peeling or chipping. And they have some fab colours, this one is by far my favorite!
I love the Gelly Polishes, they are super shiney and glossy. I find i can have them on nearly a week with hardly any peeling or chipping. And they have some fab colours, this one is by far my favorite!
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Twit Twoo
Oh! Look! Whats this? Little cute Owls? Oooooo.... Ahhhhhh...
Soooooo today i wanted to share this super cute bag i found!
I was in DESPERATE need of a new bag for work, mine was a gift so felt i had to use it, but it had gotten old and didnt fasten anymore. It had no pockets inside to hold your phone snug, and it was really flimsy and had no proper shape. I put everything in a nice little order every morning, but as soon as you picked it up it was a free for all in the bottom, everything got squashed and scratched, and i could never find anything in there... nightmare!!
So when i wondered past a new little bag stall in the market one lunchtime, i had a little nebby about.
and i spotted this...
Monday, 29 April 2013
Glossy Box - April 2013
Sooo this is late! Reeaally late! Sorry!
So this months box is Spring Fever and has teamed up with Pearl Lowe... and its GORGEOUS, i love everything i got this month, so i am mega chuffed! The actual box is ever so pretty, when i opened it i was sooo excited :D
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Get to know Melissa :)
Soooo ive been pretty pants last couple of months at making time to sit down and blog properly. Which meant i never got round to doing the '25 facts about me' tag, but it was something id have liked to have done.
So instead of doing it now, super duper late, i thought id sorta do something similar but call it something different haha! sneaky Melissa! Im just going to call this a 'Get to know Me' post...
1) Im 22, but i dont look it, at all! Im a squirt at 5'1 and a teeny bit... Yes the teeny bit counts! I get ID'd for Everything!
2) My natural hair colour is dark red/auburn, as a result i have pale skin & green eyes. Learning to like my natural colourings and embracing it instead of changing it... and im nearly there, im just trying to start a love affair with my freckles now as we are not in a good place yet.
3) I really hate spiders & Injections, yuck! Not just a 'yeah there not nice' sorta thing... i actually hate them. They make me go cold and goose-bumpy. And injections make me faint, my last one i passed out so i had to sit in a little room for a while and my sister was grumpy because i made her miss her fave TV Show! Some proper sympathy there guys!
4) Things that fly, that shouldn't be able to fly, make me panic. Im a wreck waiting in airports seeing huge mahoosive planes taking off... once im on there i try to pretend im on the bus and then im not to bad. I also judge everyone getting on the plane, its really bad, and makes me feel like an awful person but i get so suspicious and try to work out if anybody could be possibly dangerous. Low flying hot air balloons are also far to scary for my liking.
5) I love love LOVE art. Im a very crafty person too. Im always happy with a pencil and pad of paper. Starting now to get requests for sketches too! Which i find bonkers as its just my doodling? But this is a sketch of my little sister in my fave winter hat which i got from River Island a couple of years ago.
End of Crest 3D Whitening Strips!
Time for a much needed update me thinks!
Ive stopped using my crest whitening strips :( the last time i used them i was in agony for a good two hours... Its was no longer an annoying little pain when i took a deep breathe in... Its was a really horrible throbbing and my whole jaw ached. I wanted to rip my teeth out to make it go away. After a couple of hours i was ok again, and i have no lasting sensitivity, but im certainly not putting my face through that again...
So i decided against finishing the course, and will make do with the slight results ive had up to this point, or save up and have them done properly one day.
I would try the sensitive version of the strips... but if im honest im totally put off them.
Would be interested to know if anyone else thats used them has had any sort of sensitivity or pain?
Toodles x
Monday, 18 March 2013
Follow me on Bloglovin!
So everyones probably already aware that google reader is on its way out. Think we have until July 1st until it will be no more :(
So this is just to let you know im on Bloglovin, so if you still want to keep up to date with new posts, you can follow me on there :)
Toodles x
Glossy Box - March 2013
Soooo thought id share with you my March GlossyBox.
This month was a little bit disappointing product wise if im totally honest. But it has got cute little extras that make up for it... sort of...
Ill let you make your own minds up, but ive got my fingers crossed that next month is a better box :)
So the theme this month was Get City Chic. Cool concept and also came with a very cute little travel book complete with stickers! LOVE IT! I love notebooks, and notepads and dairys and all things stationary so little things like this excite me... also the stickers satisfied my inner child!
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Crest 3D Whitening Strips - Day 5 Strips
Soooo ive not had much chance to get to my laptop last few days, and my phone wouldnt let me put photos in my posts hmph! And then ive also been doing a day of whitening, then miss a day so i dont have really sensitive teeth.
So this is day 5! Sorry its so late! Oops!
Like i said up there ^ i have been having slight sensitivity, it doesnt last long and its not something thats unbearable, but it is really annoying for a while until it wears off. You forget and take a deep breath and the cold air catches you teeth... ouch.
But i reckon theyre working, i think they are slightly whiter and im so im hoping after ive done the whole course theyll be looking a bit brighter and prettier.
Ive also been really good and cut down massively on Tea, Pepsi & CocaCola, if i do drink it i use a straw so its a little bit better for my teeth.
Ill check back in tomorrow with day 7
I promise :)
Toodles x
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Crest 3D Whitening Strips - Day 3 update
So i know its been longer than three days since i started the Crest 3D Professional EffectsWhitening Strips, but after using day 2 i had reeaally sensitive teeth, i couldnt drink or bite food or breathe in without them aching... It wasnt pleasant! However they were fine after a couple of hours, but it says to wait a couple of days before using anymore if you experience any sensitivity.
So i have done, and ive used my day 3 today instead... and my teeth are ok this time! Cant see any difference in colour, so not uploading a photo, but thought id do a quick update just to say i wouldnt recommend if you already have sensitive teeth as i imagine that would be super painful! And instead maybe try the course designed for sensitive teeth.
Ill post a day 5 update in a couple of days, and upload a photo to see if there is any difference in colour and will let you know how my teggies are feeling!
Toodles x
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Day1 - Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips
Remember me? Ive been MIA for the last couple of weeks, really sorry!
Ive had a lot of lifey problems to deal with which i wont go into, but its left me feeling rather drained. Been a stressful couple of weeks, well months if im honest, but im a 'head in the sand' kinda girl and try to ignore everything... But naturally the world throws a spanner in the works, stops you in your tracks & everything youve pushed to one side catches up. Then the upset and feelings you should have already dealt with, hit you all at once... so its been rough, ive been pretty upset and tired and not had any get up and go to do anything.
But i dont want to ignore my blog, and im sad ive been neglecting it recently as its something i really really enjoy. So, im going to try reeaally hard to keep on top of my blog, ive got a little MonkeySocks planner on its way to help keep it organised, and then maybe this little online space can be my escape.
So on that note i thought today would be good day to start the 10 day 3D White Professional Effects Whitening Treatment by Crest.
Ive wanted to try these for a while, but just havent made time to do it, and im not to fussed about forking out hundreds to get them done professionally. Ive never had white teeth, dont get me wrong theyre not brown and falling out, but i certainly dont have a 'hollywood smile'. I do look after them... i brush, floss ect... but i drink WAY to much Tea and Coca Cola. I know i know its not good, and thats why they are not as white as they could be, but im cutting down and so id like to see if i can whiten them a little bit. I dont want them to be really bright white, wouldnt like to think people will need sunglasses on when having a conversation with me, but maybe a few shades whiter so theyre nice and natural and give me a more healthy pretty smile.
Ill probably post every couple of days to show any difference it makes, as every day would be pretty boring to read i think.
These are the strips im using...
Crest 3D White Proffesional Whitestrips
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Haul - New Look, Primark & Rimmel
Yesterday was a looong day so i left work a bit earlier than normal, BIG mistake... i ended up de-stressing in Primark, New Look & Superdrug.... whoopsie!
I am chuffed with what i got though, so its all gooooood :)
Heres what i picked up!
First i went to primark on a shoe hunt... i shuffle my feet and burn holes in my heels, a pair of shoes never lasts me longer than a couple of months whether they are £6 or £60, so i live in primarni flats at work... but the store near me has shoes on the top floor, and PJ's on the middle floor... so naturally i never made it up to the top floor and left with some pretty jammies instead of shoes, oops!
I really liked these stripy floral cuffed bottoms. They have a cute lacy drawstring tie which finishes them off lovely.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Glossy Box - February 2013
Soooo i only just got my February Glossy Box (well a couple of days ago) and i had already been reading and watching what others had got in their boxes, i tried not to look at any blog posts or youtube videos so it was a surprise, but i just couldn't do it!!
And then the excitement started to disappear pretty quickly once i heard how many people didnt like there boxes...
and then mine arrived...
and i LOVE it!!
I was really pleasantly surprised and chuffed with everything in it to be honest. Also lots of full sizes! So here is my Valentine Themed Glossy Box, and the goodies it bought :)
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
WIN! - £75 at marc b and £175 at ASOS!
To be in with a chance you have to create an outfit collage based around one of marc b's new season bags!
If you want to take part, check out the full rules here on e-tailPR's blog :)
The bag i have chosen to base my collage around is the gorgeous Nancy Tan, i really love this bag, its elegant and girly and also really versatile.
I eventually decided to go with a day look, rather than evening, as i personally tend not to get really really glammed up. When i do go, its usually straight from work, so i have to jazz up an everyday outfit to take me through an evening out.
SO, i have put this with some fab ASOS Humbug leather heeled sandals so that (with a bit of extra lippy & shimmery gold eyeshadow) this look could be glammed up and carry you into the evening for a meal or drinks ect.
I went with these ASOS high waisted super skinny jeans in baby blue and this ASOS floral smock top which i LOVE. It would look amazing in the day, loose over jeans with hair up in a messy bun... and then tucked into the high waistband, with hair pulled down & this ASOS-Hammered collar gold necklace on for going into the evening.
This is really pretty, and really flattering, and certainly an outfit id love to wear :)
Hope you like my collage! And if your wanting to take part make sure you do so before Feb 22nd :) good luck!!
Toodles x
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Miss Match - Mood Sensitive Colour Change Nail Polish
Apologies for all the Nail Polish reviews, but i needed some new ones to replace all the old gloopy unusable ones that ive had to throw away, and ive just been so excited to try them all out!!
Ive been wondering whether to get one of the Barry M colour change Nail Polishes, where you paint your nails and then you paint patterns with a special topcoat and the topcoat changes the colour of the Polish.
But they reminded me of those felt pens you used to have as a child where you scribble on your drawing with the special end and the ink changes colour... weird colours and always tacky looking.
Not that the Barry M Nail Polish cant look good, but i can imagine my unsteady hands making a tacky looking mess.
However the idea of colour changing polish stuck in my head so i went for a nebby on the internet and found these FAB polishes on ebay!!
Friday, 8 February 2013
Technic - Glitter Polish
Ive got another budget but pretty nail polish that i wanted to share, because its fab!
Its a bluey/greeny Glitter nail polish by Technic and i paid... 99p!! From Body Care!!
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
MUA - Fairy Dust Nails - Rose Dust
So yesterday i went into town to pick up a few bits and i had a little nebby around Superdrug for a new nail polish!
I wanted something really girly, but not to bold and bright.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Happy 2nd Birthday Olivia!
Today my little teeny baby niece had her 2nd birthday!!
It has gone waaay to fast, i cant believe how grown up shes getting! It feels like only yesterday my mum rang me from the hospital and i heard her tiny little cry down the phone.
She had a pretty traumatic entry into this world, it was very very scary.
Basically long story short, after nearly two days in labour, and an unimaginable amount of contractions and pain, the midwives finally broke my sisters waters to bring it all on faster... only to find that there was blood.
They quickly hooked her up to a machine to monitor the baby, and realised that with every contraction she was having (which at this point they were very close together) her babys heart stopped.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Arty Farty Time
Soooooo, ive got a week off work! Woop! And ive decided im going to dedicate as much of this time as possible, to getting back my creative streak
The last few weeks i have been feeling like i have broken myself, and all my arty juices have dried up. Ive struggled to find any sort of inspiration and any attempts at anything creative have failed... massively!
Then a few days ago i found myself in a very uncomfortable situation... one of those where someone from your past comes crashing into your present, opens that little box of bad things you've had locked away & knocks you off your feet!
Art has always been a really good way of de-stressing for me, i find it so calming and relaxing, so naturally i tried launching myself head first into a box of paints & pencils...
...and it may not all be bad!
Ive been really enjoying it again, and ideas keep popping into my head, not overly happy sunshiney ideas, but at least its something! And its been interesting to do something that isnt pretty flowers or butterflies. But hopefully i can use this week to get back into the swing of things, find arty me again and produce something amazing before i get back into the 9 - 5 routine on Monday!
Anywhoo i thought id just show you the couple of things ive been messing with the last couple of days :) Sorry about camera quality, im currently using my iPhone and its late so it doesnt get on with the rubbish lighting in my flat!
Toodles x
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Glossy Box - January 2013
Firstly id just like to quickly apologise for the lack of posts recently, ive been poorly poorly and just couldn't face a computer screen or have enough of a brain to actually string a sentence together... never mind a whole blog post! But im on the mend, antibiotics are doing what there meant too, and my heads in a much much better place. Then id also like too apologise that this post is a little behind... but better late than never right?
So on with the actual post, January's Glossy Box!
January's theme is Detox... after all the indulging over Christmas and New Year.
I was really chuffed to bits with the little extra night mask as its really cute but a little disappointed that this months box is all samples and no full size products, apart from the lip balm which is a gram out!?
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Meet Millie!
If your not a cat person, or if you dont want to see a cute little kitten... then click away now...
If you love cats and have had a kitten... then your just the people i need! haha!!
I have a new kitten, Millie and shes a little beaut! She has got such a funny little character, she doesnt half make me chuckle :)
Trouble is... shes an angel in the day & a nightmare at night!
She just doesnt sleep and has sooo much energy! wherever she is, you can guarantee she will hear you turn over in bed and come pouncing on your feet and nibbles them! i dont know how i still have any toes left! Ive tried playing looaads with her before bedtime to wear her out and ive tried not playing with her so i dont get her excited... neither makes a difference. And you cant shut her away as she cries and scratches, and could go ALL night so you still wouldnt get any sleep.
Any ideas on making her nocturnal are very very welcome haha!!
And if not, then im going to be a very tired mummy until she grows out of it! Its a good job shes gorgeous :)
Toodles x
Friday, 4 January 2013
Mini H&M Haul
Today i did something silly... i went out of work on my lunch!! i went to grab some food, walked past H&M and got sucked in by the hundreds of sale signs hanging from the ceiling!! Thank goodness i only get an hour lunch break, i would have been in there all day browsing otherwise!! Soo i thought i would just do a quick post and show you what i picked up :)
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Avon Goodies
My sister bought me a whole bunch of different smellies from Avon this Christmas, and made me a little basket of treats. Isn't she a sweetheart!
I really like Avon, iv'e never had anything that i have really disliked, and for the price you pay you really cant complain. I order quite often from our rep, so shes done well picking things ive not had before! Anyway, ive been trying them all out so thought id show you what she bought and let you know what i think.
2012 Catch Up - Days, Weekends & Holidays
Well, the back end of 2012 was full of lovey days out, weekends away & a fab holiday in the sun. The rest of the year i spent in my little town... more than likely in the rain... working and moving house!
My first proper break wasn't until September... for my birthdaaaaaay! We went to Lincoln on the second, to watch JLS at the Showground.
It was amazing, even if you're not too fussed about them you cannot deny how brilliant they are live. The whole day was lovely as it was oddly warm for September in the uk! Bit grey to begin with but brightened up in the afternoon. The gig was outdoors, and there was funfairs to play on and we sat on the grass in the sun with hotdogs and a beer before the concert started.
The support acts were fab, especially Cover Drive, Little Mix & IamTich. And then JLS, well... amazing!! We were soooo close and had an amazing view, and then my friend let slip to a girl in the crowd that it was my birthday and everybody around started singing to me, was so funny but i was purple with embarrassment .. still not got her back for that one haha!
Then we drove into Skegness and stayed overnight in a lovely hotel, got up the next morning to some freakishly glorious weather, and spent the day getting sun burnt on the beach... whoops! But was better than being at work! Was a rather amazing birthday treat :)
Well, the back end of 2012 was full of lovey days out, weekends away & a fab holiday in the sun. The rest of the year i spent in my little town... more than likely in the rain... working and moving house!
My first proper break wasn't until September... for my birthdaaaaaay! We went to Lincoln on the second, to watch JLS at the Showground.
It was amazing, even if you're not too fussed about them you cannot deny how brilliant they are live. The whole day was lovely as it was oddly warm for September in the uk! Bit grey to begin with but brightened up in the afternoon. The gig was outdoors, and there was funfairs to play on and we sat on the grass in the sun with hotdogs and a beer before the concert started.
The support acts were fab, especially Cover Drive, Little Mix & IamTich. And then JLS, well... amazing!! We were soooo close and had an amazing view, and then my friend let slip to a girl in the crowd that it was my birthday and everybody around started singing to me, was so funny but i was purple with embarrassment .. still not got her back for that one haha!
Then we drove into Skegness and stayed overnight in a lovely hotel, got up the next morning to some freakishly glorious weather, and spent the day getting sun burnt on the beach... whoops! But was better than being at work! Was a rather amazing birthday treat :)
Soooo Close! |
Sun came out! |
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
2012 Catch Up - Nails
Because my blog is so new, and because ive spent hours changing and arranging today, i just cant seem leave it alone!
So what i thought i would do, is post with my fave bits&bobs from the last year. Gives you a bit more of an idea of the sorts of things im interested in :)
So think ill start with nails, as this is something i have started getting really into last few months and have tried a few different things... some good... some not so good!
In 2012 i had Acrylic nails done, it was a present for somebody's birthday so i couldn't really say no. I wasn't sure about them before i had them, but after i really liked the length and how they looked so that's when i started experimenting with different colours and designs. .
Because my blog is so new, and because ive spent hours changing and arranging today, i just cant seem leave it alone!
So what i thought i would do, is post with my fave bits&bobs from the last year. Gives you a bit more of an idea of the sorts of things im interested in :)
So think ill start with nails, as this is something i have started getting really into last few months and have tried a few different things... some good... some not so good!
In 2012 i had Acrylic nails done, it was a present for somebody's birthday so i couldn't really say no. I wasn't sure about them before i had them, but after i really liked the length and how they looked so that's when i started experimenting with different colours and designs. .
![]() |
Acrylic. Pink Flowers |
Happy New Year
Well this year, there's the usual resolutions and high hopes flying around... Im going to eat healthy, slim down, go wild, do everything ive always wanted, be positive all the time, this year is going to be fantastic, the best ever, a new start...
But im not doing the same this year. Because we have no control, and no idea of whats around the corner. Every year i build it up, and every year i end up feeling like i have let myself down.
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