Monday, 4 February 2013

Arty Farty Time


Soooooo, ive got a week off work! Woop! And ive decided im going to dedicate as much of this time as possible, to getting back my creative streak

The last few weeks i have been feeling like i have broken myself, and all my arty juices have dried up. Ive struggled to find any sort of inspiration and any attempts at anything creative have failed... massively!

Then a few days ago i found myself in a very uncomfortable situation... one of those where someone from your past comes crashing into your present, opens that little box of bad things you've had locked away & knocks you off your feet! 
Art has always been a really good way of de-stressing for me, i find it so calming and relaxing, so naturally i tried launching myself head first into a box of paints & pencils...

...and it may not all be bad!
Ive been really enjoying it again, and ideas keep popping into my head, not overly happy sunshiney ideas, but at least its something! And its been interesting to do something that isnt pretty flowers or butterflies. But hopefully i can use this week to get back into the swing of things, find arty me again and produce something amazing before i get back into the 9 - 5 routine on Monday! 

Anywhoo i thought id just show you the couple of things ive been messing with the last couple of days :) Sorry about camera quality, im currently using my iPhone and its late  so it doesnt get on with the rubbish lighting in my flat!

Toodles x