Soooo ive been pretty pants last couple of months at making time to sit down and blog properly. Which meant i never got round to doing the '25 facts about me' tag, but it was something id have liked to have done.
So instead of doing it now, super duper late, i thought id sorta do something similar but call it something different haha! sneaky Melissa! Im just going to call this a 'Get to know Me' post...
1) Im 22, but i dont look it, at all! Im a squirt at 5'1 and a teeny bit... Yes the teeny bit counts! I get ID'd for Everything!
2) My natural hair colour is dark red/auburn, as a result i have pale skin & green eyes. Learning to like my natural colourings and embracing it instead of changing it... and im nearly there, im just trying to start a love affair with my freckles now as we are not in a good place yet.
3) I really hate spiders & Injections, yuck! Not just a 'yeah there not nice' sorta thing... i actually hate them. They make me go cold and goose-bumpy. And injections make me faint, my last one i passed out so i had to sit in a little room for a while and my sister was grumpy because i made her miss her fave TV Show! Some proper sympathy there guys!
4) Things that fly, that shouldn't be able to fly, make me panic. Im a wreck waiting in airports seeing huge mahoosive planes taking off... once im on there i try to pretend im on the bus and then im not to bad. I also judge everyone getting on the plane, its really bad, and makes me feel like an awful person but i get so suspicious and try to work out if anybody could be possibly dangerous. Low flying hot air balloons are also far to scary for my liking.
5) I love love LOVE art. Im a very crafty person too. Im always happy with a pencil and pad of paper. Starting now to get requests for sketches too! Which i find bonkers as its just my doodling? But this is a sketch of my little sister in my fave winter hat which i got from River Island a couple of years ago.